Inquisitive programmer spelunking through C and C++, systems programming and games development.

Pointer Aliasing: Subtle changes, Large performance implications

I am currently in the process of writing a software renderer in C for a game using the X11 library as a back end. At the moment it manages to create a window and render a scrolling pattern in to it, which isn’t too exciting, but even with a small amount of code I have learned first hand how easy it is to introduce pointer aliasing into C code and how damaging it can be to performance.

Amazing screenshot

The code to render the pattern was fairly trivial:

static void update_window(
        Window window, GC gc,
        int width, int height,
        int xoffset, int yoffset)
    if (!pixels)
        resize_ximage(width, height);

    uint32_t *pixel = (uint32_t*)pixels;
    for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
            uint8_t blue  = (x + xoffset);
            uint8_t green = (y + yoffset);
            uint8_t red   = 0;
            uint8_t alpha = 255;

            *pixel++ = (alpha << 24) | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;

            display, window,
            gc, &ximage,
            0, 0,
            0, 0,
            width, height);

It first allocates a back-buffer if it has not done so already and then loops through the pixels and assigns a colour to each one based in it’s XY position and an XY offset provided as an argument. The XPutImage function then copies the data from the back-buffer to the buffer that is displayed in the window.

As you can probably notice, this function not only has a large number of input parameters, but also modifies a lot of global state (pixels, display and ximage). I’m not proud of this code and was hesitant to post it, but hopefully you’ll appreciate it was a rapid prototype and will look past it for now.

In order to clean up the code I decided to gather all of the global state and window data into a global x11_context struct that would eventually be passed as a parameter via a pointer.

struct x11_context context;

static void update_window(int xoffset, int yoffset)
    if (!context.backbuffer.pixels)
        resize_ximage(context.width, context.height);

    uint32_t *pixel = (uint32_t*)context.backbuffer.pixels;
    for (int y = 0; y < context.height; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < context.width; ++x) {
            uint8_t blue  = (x + xoffset);
            uint8_t green = (y + yoffset);
            uint8_t red   = 0;
            uint8_t alpha = 255;

            *pixel++ = (alpha << 24) | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;

            context.display, context.window,
            context.gc, &context.ximage,
            0, 0,
            0, 0,
            context.width, context.height);

After this refactor I was surprised to be hit with a 35% increase in frame time compared with the old code (4.1ms -> 5.7ms). Almost immediately, I assumed I’d introduced some manner of pointer aliasing into the loop, but was somewhat confused as there was only a single pointer-dereference in that part of the code.

Pointer Aliasing

Experienced C and C++ programmers will already know about pointer aliasing and how it effects compiler optimisations, but it’s worth going over here if only to cement it in my mind.

A good, albeit contrived, example to demonstrate pointer aliasing is as can be seen on the Wikipedia page for the restrict keyword:

void updatePtrs(size_t *ptrA, size_t *ptrB, size_t *val)
  *ptrA += *val;
  *ptrB += *val;

The values pointed to by ptrA and ptrB are updated with the value pointed to by val. An optimizing compiler would love to cache the value pointed to by val so that it only has to deference the pointer once. Unfortunately, val and ptrA could theoretically point to the same memory location, therefore the compiler cannot possibly know, or assume, that they don’t. This means that the value pointed to by val cannot be cached because updating ptrA could modify val’s data so the compiler is forced to keep the second load of val just in case.

One fix for this is to use the restrict keyword which informs the compiler that the pointers all point to different locations and the onus is on the programmer to make sure that they don’t.

void updatePtrs(
    size_t *restrict ptrA,
    size_t *restrict ptrB,
    size_t *restrict val);

We could also manually cache the value ourselves, however this does not obviously signify that it is the clients job to make sure the pointers do not alias each other.

void updatePtrs(size_t *ptrA, size_t *ptrB, size_t *val)
  size_t value = *val;
  *ptrA += value;
  *ptrB += value;

perf to the Rescue

In the update_window function above, there is only one pointer being dereferenced in the loop, so how can there be aliasing? I decided to crack out the perf profiling tool to find the hotspots in the assembly.

       │ for (int x = 0; x < context.width; ++x) {
  0.04 │       add    $0x1,%edx
       │     *pixel++ = (alpha << 24) | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
 33.32 │       or     %edi,%eax
  0.02 │       add    $0x1,%ecx
 31.39 │       mov    %eax,-0x4(%rsi)
       │ for (int x = 0; x < context.width; ++x) {
  2.85 │       mov    context+0xe4,%eax
 31.84 │       cmp    %eax,%edx
       │     ↑ jl     3b8
  0.37 │       mov    context+0xe8,%edx

perf found that 95% samples occurred in the region around the inner loop1. The most interesting parts in this region are the mov %eax,-0x4(%rsi) instruction, which stores the result of the shift expression into the pixel memory location and the mov context+0xe4,%eax instruction which is the load from the context.width memory location into to the eax register to compare with the loop variable in edx.

I then had the realisation that the compiler cannot assume that pixels does not point to the memory location of context or context.width, meaning that it needs to be reloaded every time through through the loop. When width and height were passed in as parameters, they were allocated in update_window’s stack-frame and therefore pixels could never point them and it could keep width in a register, knowing it wouldn’t change.

This highlighted to me that pointer aliasing can occur not only between pointers, but between a pointer and any data that is not allocated inside the stack-frame of the currently executing function.

The Solution

The solution to the this issue was to simply cache the width and height into a local variable and use that as part of the loop condition.

/* x11_context struct now passed in as a parameter as well */
static void update_window(
    struct x11_context *context,
    int xoffset, int yoffset)
    int width = context->width;
    int height = context->height;

    if (!context->backbuffer.pixels)
        resize_ximage(width, height);

    uint32_t *pixel = (uint32_t*)context->backbuffer.pixels;
    for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
            uint8_t blue  = (x + xoffset);
            uint8_t green = (y + yoffset);
            uint8_t red   = 0;
            uint8_t alpha = 255;

            *pixel++ = (alpha << 24) | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;

            context->display, context->window,
            context->gc, &context->ximage,
            0, 0,
            0, 0,
            width, height);

After this minor change, the performance was equivalent to the initial code and the output of perf did not show any significant hotspots. The compiler was able optimise away the load on every iteration and go even further and unroll the loop as it was able to determine that my width and height were constants elsewhere in the code.


This post demonstrates how relatively minor refactors of code can have a drastic effect on the performance of your program. Pointer aliasing issues are not as obvious if you include global variables in your program as even though you don’t explicitly dereference memory, the compiler may still have to.

It’s worth reiterating that the 35% performance hit was only obvious in an optimised build. Therefore, it is my opinion that programs should be regularly built with optimisations on and only turn them off when you need to debug logic errors. Performance bugs are better investigated using a profiler like perf, in my opinion.

Many programmers may disparage C due to issues like this, but I feel that the offer of a performance gain from understanding how these problems occur is an advantage of the C family of languages over the higher-level languages that abstract that decision away for simplicity, often leaving you with the worse-case performance anyway.

  1. To my knowledge, perf interrupts the program and inspects the instruction pointer to figure what part of the program is currently executing. However, if perf interrupts during an expensive instruction it has to wait for that instruction to finish and attributes the sample the instruction after it. For this reason it the results can seem a little strange, as can be seen with the 31.84 measurement being attributed with the cmp instruction rather than the more expensive mov directly before it.